Excel Import (Semifinished Part) dialog

For further information on the settings of the Excel import dialog, see chapters:


Mapping Administration

Comparison Criteria

Unless specified otherwise during FACTON configuration, the "Material ID", "Material number" and "Item number" are used as keys.

Supported link types

The import supports the assignment of semifinished parts and materials.

Import groups

The specification of an import group for semifinished parts is optional.

Special features of imports

Semifinished parts are differentiated in FACTON based on their form type. FACTON supports the following form types in its standard scope of delivery:

  • Panel
  • Coil
  • Round profile
  • Threaded rod
  • Square profile
  • Hexagonal profile
  • Pipe
  • Square pipe
  • Rectangle pipe
  • T profile
  • U profile
  • Z profile
  • I profile
  • L profile
  • Special profile
  • Semifinished parts with irregular shapes
Additional semifinished part types can be defined during the customizing process.

In order to assign a semifinished part to the correct form type during import, one column of the Excel workbook must first be assigned to the Form type field. The matching FACTON semifinished part form type must be assigned to each value that contains this column in the Excel workbook.

Figure: Assign semifinished product form types dialog

This happens via the "Assign Semifinished Part Types" dialog you can open via double-click on the filter symbol in the "Form type" table field of the "Excel Import (Semifinished Part)" dialog. Semifinished product form types are assigned the same way Excel columns are assigned in the main window of the Excel import.


The semifinished part type is a mandatory field in the semifinished part import. Before the import can be started, all semifinished part types that appear in the document must be assigned.

For more information on assigning FACTON types, see Assign Object Types.

Figure: Excel Import (Semifinished Part) dialog, Mapping Semifinished Part Groups

Figure: Excel Import (Semifinished Part) dialog, Mapping Semifinished Parts


Further Information