Excel Import (Manufacturing Process) dialog

For further information on the settings of the Excel import dialog, see chapters:


Mapping Administration

Comparison Criteria

Unless specified otherwise during FACTON configuration, the "Process key" is used as a comparison criterion for processes.

Supported link types

The import supports the assignment of employees, cost centers and machines.

Import groups

The specification of an import group for manufacturing processes is optional.

Special features of imports

For shift models: If you have defined additional calculation parameters in the system settings for shift models and/or employees, they will be exported as well.

For manufacturing/ setup cost rate: The rates are hourly rates with the total value and the variable portion. The total value and the variable portion are set using the "Value total" and "Value variable" fields.

The currency unit should always be the same for both rates. You can also enter a time unit for the manufacturing or setup cost rates in order to import minute rates. In FACTON, time is always converted to the hourly value.

Figure: Excel Import (Manufacturing Process) dialog, Mapping Manufacturing Processes


Further Information