Excel Import (Cost Center) dialog
For further information on the settings of the Excel import dialog, see chapters:
Mapping Administration
Comparison Criteria
Unless specified otherwise during FACTON configuration, the "Cost center ID" is used as a comparison criterion for cost centers.
Supported link types
The cost center import supports the assignment of activity types to every cost center as this is absolutely mandatory in order to create cost centers in FACTON. Moreover, it is also possible to assign machines, manufacturing processes and employees to each cost center.
Import groups
The specification of an import group for cost centers is optional.
Special features of imports
Cost center rates are hourly rates consisting of a fixed total value and a variable portion. The total value and the variable portion are set using the "Value total" and "Value variable" fields.
You can assign as many activity types to a cost center as you like. In addition, you can also assign as many rates (activity type values) for different validity periods as you like for each cost center/activity type combination. Beyond that, it is also possible to import as many links to machines and employees as well as manufacturing processes for each cost center as desired.
You do not need to link each individual combination of Cost center/activity type/validity period with every machine in order to connect the cost centers with machine, manufacturing and work processes. Simply having one cost center row in an Excel workbook define the link to a connection will suffice.
The "Origins" field comprises the "Origin number" and "Type". The origin number can contain a value or it can remain empty. The "none" text is treated as an empty value. The origin type has different versions (FACTON types) which must be assigned to the values in the Excel document.
For more information, see Assign Object Types.
Figure: Excel Import (Cost Center) dialog, Mapping Cost Centers
Figure: Excel Import (Cost Center) dialog, Mapping Cost Center Rates