Exchange Rates

FACTON uses exchange rates to convert different currencies in the entire calculation. As calculator, you can search and use deviating exchange rate tables depending on origin type and origin to display different exchange rate scenarios.

As system administrator, you can centrally manage the exchange rate tables in Data Administration depending on the following origin types:

  • Customers
  • Locations
  • Suppliers

For each of these origin types, you can administer exchange rates. The exchange rate tables are dependent on the object parameters "Origin type" and "Origin".

You can import exchange rates via Excel import. The values for each currency to be converted are calculated while taking into account the validity of the currency.


If a valid exchange rate for the currency to be converted is not available, the system uses the most recent valid exchange rate.

If no exchange rate for the currency to be converted is available, the system uses the factor 1 in the conversion.