Calculation tab
As system administrator, the exchange rate table can be administered in the "Calculation" tab. You can also copy and paste exchange rates from and to Excel.
Figure: "Data Administration" dialog, "Exchange rates" category, "Calculation" tab
Combobox of currencies | Selecting a currency will restrict the currencies displayed in the "From currency" and "To currency" columns. |
Columns of the exchange rate table | |
From currency | Enter the source currency for the exchange rate |
To currency | Enter target currency for the exchange rate. |
Rate from / to | Enter the exchange rate used to convert from source currency to target currency / from target currency to source currency. |
Valid from / to | The start / end time of the period the price is valid for Note Entering an invalid date - e.g. if the "Valid from" date is before the "Valid to" date, or vice versa, the date is automatically set to the 31st Dec. of the year entered in the "Valid from" date (and vice versa). |
Created by / on | The name of the creator / the date of creation is automatically generated after saving. |
Updated by / on | The name of the user who most currently updated the data / the date of the most current update is automatically generated after saving. |