General tab

In addition to the standard parameters, you can manage further parameter for the exchange rates.

Exchange Rates, Origin type Customers, General Tab

Figure: "Data Administration" dialog, "Exchange rates" category - "Customers" origin type, "General" tab

"Object Parameters" group:

Origin type Shows the origin type corresponding to the origin type folder that generates when creating an exchange rate table.
  • For "Customers" origin type, the "Origin" object parameter can be chosen.
  • For the other origin types, the "Origin" object parameter is read-only and valued as "(unspecific)".
  • The default exchange rate table is independent from the "Origin type" and "Origin" object parameters. The object parameters are valued as "(unspecific)".
Origin Select an origin for the origin type of the exchange rate table.
"Preferred" Activate the checkbox to automatically use this exchange rate table when creating a costing type.