Rights on data

This function offers another level of rights restrictions for users. Data rights enable you to define which data (projects, master data, folders) users can view, read or edit.

Rights to objects and object properties

You can assign rights to objects whenever "Administer Rights" appears in the context menu.

Examples of such objects:

  • Project folders and projects
  • Master data groups and master data objects
  • Reports

In the Data Administration, you can grant rights for almost all object properties. You can assign rights to them whenever "Administer Rights" appears in the context menu.

Examples of object properties:

  • Name
  • Order number
  • Process key
  • Price

You can only administer rights for new objects in the master data after saving the relevant object.

Displaying rights to objects

  1. Select an object, e.g. a project. For example a project.
  2. Right-click on the selected objectAdminister Rights . The Administer Rights Dialog opens.

Add rights to objects

  1. Select an object, e.g. a project.
  2. Right-click on the selected objectAdminister Rights . The Administer Rights Dialog opens.
  3. Click Add. The Add Rights dialog opens.
  4. Select an entry in the "User" or "Group" list you wish to add rights to.
  5. In the Rights combobox, select the desired right for the user or user group.
  6. Confirm your entries with OK. The right is added.
  7. Confirm your entries with OK.

Edit rights to objects

  1. Select an object, e.g. a project.
  2. Right-click on the selected objectAdminister Rights . The Administer Rights Dialog opens.
  3. Select the right you want to edit.
  4. In the "Rights" combobox, change the right for the user or user group.
  5. Confirm your entries with OK.

Remove rights to objects

  1. Select an object, e.g. a project.
  2. Right-click on the selected objectAdminister Rights . The Administer Rights Dialog opens.
  3. Select a right.

    When the right is not inherited nor the right of the owner of the object, the Remove button is available.

  4. Click on Remove. The right is removed.
  5. Confirm your entries with OK.

Display rights to object properties

  1. In the ribbon, click on ViewData Administration. The "Data Administration" dialog opens.
  2. Select an element in the structure view.
  3. In one of the tabs, right-click on an object property name ► Administer Rights (Name). This displays the Administer Rights Dialog.
Context menu

Figure: Context menu

Add rights to object properties

  1. In the ribbon, click on ViewData Administration. The "Data Administration" dialog opens.
  2. Select an element in the structure view.
  3. In one of the tabs, right-click on an object property name ► Administer Rights (Name). This displays the Administer Rights Dialog.

    Context menu

    Figure: Context menu

  4. Click Add. The Add Rights dialog opens.
  5. Select an entry in the "User" or "Group" list you wish to add rights to.
  6. In the Rights combobox, select the desired right for the user or user group.
  7. Confirm your entries with OK. The right is added.
  8. Confirm your entries with OK.

Edit rights to objects properties

  1. In the ribbon, click on ViewData Administration. The "Data Administration" dialog opens.
  2. Select an element in the structure view.
  3. In one of the tabs, right-click on an object property name ► Administer Rights (Name). This displays the Administer Rights Dialog.
    Context menu

    Figure: Context menu

  4. Select the right you want to edit.

  5. In the Rights combobox, change the right for the user or user group.

  6. Confirm your entries with OK.

Remove rights to objects properties

  1. In the ribbon, click on ViewData Administration. The "Data Administration" dialog opens.
  2. Select an element in the structure view.
  3. In one of the tabs, right-click on an object property name ► Administer Rights (Name). This displays the Administer Rights Dialog.

    Context menu

    Figure: Context menu

  4. Select the right you wish to remove. When the right is not inherited nor belongs to the owner of the object property, the Remove button is available.
  5. Click on Remove. The right is removed.
  6. Confirm your entries with OK.