Processing Unit


A machining unit is a flexible module / component of the machine. In FACTON, you can assign machining units to works steps.

For an example of usage, see: Calculate Chipping


  • Rotary current spindles
  • High frequency spindles
  • Oscillating tangential cutting head

Insertion Positions

Calculated values of the Chipping cost model:

You can find the basic properties of the machining unit in the Details view.

Toggle View Schema

  1. Click in the view schema combobox to the top right of a view.
  2. All view schemes for the selected view are shown.

  3. Click on the desired view schema.
  4. This switches the view schema.

    Alternative: Click on one of the icons right next to the combobox to activate the respective view schema.


The »Overview« view schema summarizes all available view schemes for the selected calculation or calculation element in groups. This schema is only available via the combobox.

Further Information

Click here for further information on each group.

»Master Data« group

Some calculation elements additionally have the »Master Data« view schema. For the machining unit, this view schema comprises the properties of the following groups/view schemes at a glance:

  • General Properties
  • Calculation
  • Technical Data
  • Information


FACTON CMD Compatibility

Machining Units can be allocated under the following supported resources:


Under a machining unit, the following supported resources can be allocated:


UI Name Internal Name Type Object Type
Supports Work Step SupportsWorkStep Boolean Resource

Table: Interface Properties - Machining Unit