Work step


A work step is defined as the smallest task unit/activity in a workflow. In the FACTON Master Data workspace, you can specify how much time a work step needs and which »TMU work step category« it belongs to. This categorization is used for the search in queries.

Further Information Run Query


  • Clamp workpiece
  • Polish workpiece
  • Check workpiece

Insertion Positions

In FACTON, you can only use the work steps as part of the »Cost Model: Work Step Calculator«.

Further Information Calculate Work Steps


The work steps are measured in »time«. For example: TMU, seconds, minutes etc.

Toggle View Schema

  1. Click in the view schema combobox to the top right of a view.
  2. All view schemes for the selected view are shown.

  3. Click on the desired view schema.
  4. This switches the view schema.

    Alternative: Click on one of the icons right next to the combobox to activate the respective view schema.


The »Overview« view schema summarizes all available view schemes for the selected calculation or calculation element in groups. This schema is only available via the combobox.

Properties of a Work Step

The basic properties of the work step can be found in the Details view.

Calculation Group

Procedure Duration

The time needed for performing the procedure.

This value is required.

Direct input is possible.


The number of repetitions of the procedure.

Direct input is possible.

Total Procedure Duration

The time needed for performing the work step including all repetitions.

Is calculated from:

  • Procedure Duration
  • Repetitions

Relevant Quantity

Displays the relevant quantity in s / cycle.

Technical Data Group

The technical descriptions of the work step, such as label and description are shown and managed in this group.

The Work Step Type property is initially defined by »TMU work step«.

Technical Data group ► Work Step Type Properties sub-group

You can assign the work step to a TMU Work Step Category in this technical description subgroup. The categorization of the TMU work step categories is based on the MTM standard time value card.


In the queries for the work steps you can use the TMU Work Step Category and the Key (under Details ► Information) to find the work steps.


FACTON CMD Compatibility

Work steps can be allocated under the following supported resources:


UI Name Internal Name Type Object Type
Procedure Duration Duration Time Resource
Repetitions RepetitionsPerCycle 1/Cycle Resource
Total Procedure Duration DurationPerCycle Time/Cycle Allocation

Table: Interface Properties - Work Step