Calculate Chipping

You can use the Calculate Chipping cost model for calculating the process times and costs for the chipping manufacturing process in metal working. In FACTON, there are value rule tables and formulas defined at the cost model providing you with information on:

  • the anticipated cycle time,
  • the possible process output per time and cycle,
  • the material consumption
  • the cutting speed and feed per tooth, and
  • the primary and secondary processing times.

The table shows typical application scenarios of the cost model for parts and tools:

Typical parts Typical tools
  • Shafts, sleeves, gear teeth,
    Other mechanical components
  • Gears and steering components
  • Small and large machine parts
  • Drills, countersinks, tappers
  • Milling cutters, interlocking milling machines, indexable insert milling cutters
  • Turning and parting tools, indexable insert holders

You need knowledge of the Chipping manufacturing process in order to use the cost model.


The following example illustrates the process and structure of the Chipping cost model:


The black triangle helps you identify editable values.

The Consistency Rule Violation check is available to you when entering values. The consistency rule violations check notifies when there are missing values and verifies the accuracy of the values entered.

When you hover over one of the consistency rule violations icons with your mouse, a tooltip appears with the specific reason for the consistency rule violations.


Step 1: Create Should Cost Calculation

Further Information Create Should Cost Calculation


Step 2: Insert Process

Insert Process

  1. In the Structure view, highlight the project element you wish to insert under the process.
  2. Click Edit ► Insert ► Process in the ribbon.

    A process is inserted in the calculation structure.

  3. Change the label to »Chipping«.
  4. Define the following properties for the process in the Details ► General Properties view schema (combobox):
  5. Material Classification* Basic Materials » Metal » Steel » Quality Steel Unalloyed
    Manufacturing Method* Separating » Chipping with Geometrically Determined Cutting Edge
    *FACTON recommends the appropriate materials and machines in the queries for the processes by allowing you to select the material classification and manufacturing process.
  6. In the Details ► Calculation view schema, select the valuation Calculate Chipping .

    A new group Manufacturing Valuation appears with sub-groups.


When changing valuations, the sub-elements are grayed-out and no longer considered in the calculation.


Step 3: Insert Material

To use FACTON content for tool data, the Material Classification must be entered at the material.


Values are determined for the following work step properties using value rules via the Selection of the Material Classification that is assigned to a chipping material group and the Selection of the Chipping Tool:

  • Cutting Speed
  • Number of Teeth
  • Feed per Tooth

You can insert the material as a master data using queries (see Insert Global Calculation Element) or insert your own material locally (see Insert Local Calculation Element).

The latter is shown in the following, because it illustrates the inputs required for calculation.

Insert Local Material

  1. Select the »Chipping« process in the Structure view.
  2. Click on Edit ► Insert ► Insert New Local Material (Mass).

    A local material is inserted under the »Chipping« process.

  3. Change the label to »Chipping Material«.
  4. Under Details ► Technical Data view schema, select a material classification.
  5. Note

    You can use the following material classification with the cost model:

    • Steel
    • Steel with Special Physical Properties
    • Alloyed Steel / Construction Steel / Chemical Resistant Steel
    • Special Purpose Steel
    • Cast Iron
    • Nonferrous Metal
    • Titanium Alloy
    • Plastic Material

    According to the material classification, values are determined at the process in the Calculation ► Manufacturing Valuation ► Material group for the following property:

    • Chipping Material Group

  6. In the Details ► Overview view schema (combobox) of the material enter values for the following properties:

    Net Quantity 1.00 kg / cycle
    Price per Unit 0.75 EUR / kg


Step 4: Insert Work Steps

A range of separate work steps is required in order to manufacture a component in the chipping process. To visualize complex chipping parts in detail, they must be broken down into separate work steps.

With FACTON, you can define multiple work steps at the Chipping cost model. You can assign the work steps to the machining units via a selection list.

Insert Work Steps

  1. Select the »Chipping« process in the Structure view.
  2. In the Details ► Calculation view schema, click on the Manufacturing Valuation ► Work Steps group.
  3. Click on the button next to the Value column in the Work Steps row.

    The Local List: Work Steps tab opens.

    Further Information Work Step Properties

  4. Right-click in the empty area of the tab ► New.

    A new row is added to define your work step.

  5. Create two additional rows for the work step.
  6. In the Local List: Work Step tab, enter a value for Rotating Chipping for the following properties of the work step:
    LabelTurning or Tool DiameterCutting LengthChipping Tool
    Milling 120 mm100 mmMilling » SC End Mill (< Ø 8 mm)
    Turning 130 mm200 mmTurning » Insert Tool (Medium)
    Turning 240 mm300 mmTurning » Turning Insert Tool (Finishing)

    Rotating Chipping is set by default.

    This is visible by the activated checkbox under the Local List: Work Steps tab ► Details.

    These values are required in order to calculate additional values.

  7. Note

    Values are determined for the following work step properties using value rules via the Selection of the Material Classification that is assigned to a chipping material group and the Selection of the Chipping Tool:

    • Cutting Speed
    • Number of Teeth
    • Feed per Tooth

    You can see these properties in the Local List: Work Steps tab and in the Details ► Primary Processing Times ► Rotating view.

  8. Right-click in the empty area of the tab ► New.

    A new row is added to define your work step.

  9. In the Details view, enter a value for Non rotating Chipping for the following properties of the work step:
    Primary Processing Times
    Rotating Chipping
    Cutting Length»100 mm«
    Non Rotating ► Feed Speed»400 mm / min«

    These values are required in order to calculate additional values.

  10. Close the Local List: Work Steps tab.

    The tab is shown with your calculation and the Chipping cost model.

Rotating Chipping Non Rotating Chipping
Enter the following in the Local List tab:
  • Label
  • Chipping Tool
  • Cutting Length
  • Turning or Tool Diameter
Enter the following via the Details view:
  • Label
  • Rotating Chipping: checkbox deactivated
  • Cutting Length
  • Feed Speed

Entering this information calculates the following values:

  • Cutting Speed
  • Feed per Tooth
  • Number of Teeth
  • Rotational Speed
  • Feed Speed
  • Primary Processing Time
  • Primary Processing Time

Work Step Properties

General Group

This group shows the general work step properties.


Work step label.

This value is required.

Direct input is possible.

Material Classification

Shows the material classification that was determined by selecting the material.

Chipping Material Group

Display of the chipping material group which is determined through value rules based on the selected material classification.

This value is required.

Indirect input is possible using F12.

Chipping Tool

Selection of the tool for determining the cutting data.

This value is required.

Direct input is possible.

Assigned Machining Unit

Display of the assigned machining unit this work step is performed at.

Primary Processing Time

This group shows the primary processing times for the work step.

Rotating Chipping

Specifies whether the part is rotary machined or not.

This value is required.

Direct input is possible.

Cutting Length

Length of the cutting edge or contour of the workpiece that is machined in the work step.

This value is required.

Direct input is possible.

Number of Cuts

Number of repetitions necessary for achieving the desired cutting depth.

Direct input is possible.

Primary Processing Time

Time in which the actual activity of a process is performed

Is calculated from:

  • Cutting Length
  • Number of Cuts
  • Feed Speed

Primary Processing Times ► »Rotating« Sub-group

This group shows the primary processing times for the work step.

Turning or Tool Diameter

Turning: Diameter of the cutting part level.

Milling/Drilling: Diameter of the tool.

This value is required.

Direct input is possible.

Number of Teeth

The count of teeth of the tool. Note: For turning or drilling, the count is always 1.

This value is required.

Indirect input is possible using F12.

Cutting Speed

The operating speed of the tool.

This value is required.

Indirect input is possible using F12.

Feed per Tooth

Specifies, how deep a tool edge can move into a material.

This value is required.

Indirect input is possible using F12.

Rotational Speed

Turning: Rotational speed of part.

Milling/Drilling: Rotational speed of tool.

Feed Speed

The speed of the tool during rotating chipping.

Is calculated from:

  • Rotating Chipping
  • Rotational Speed
  • Feed per Tooth
  • Number of Teeth

Primary Processing Times ► »Non Rotating« Sub-group

This group shows the primary processing times for the work step.

Feed Speed

The speed of the tool during rotating chipping.

Is not calculated. Direct input required for non rotating chipping.

Direct input is possible.

Secondary Processing Times Group

This group shows the secondary processing times for the work step.


Selection whether time is required for loading or not

Direct input is possible.

Loading Time

Time for loading the machine with a part. Depends on: Machine Type

Indirect input is possible using F12.


Selection whether time is required for unloading or not.

Direct input is possible.

Unloading Time

Time for unloading the part. Depends on: Machine Type

Indirect input is possible using F12.

Change Tool

Selection whether time is required for changing the tool or not.

Direct input is possible.

Chip to Chip Time

Shows the time to change a tool, including positioning at a similar point at the part. Depends on: Machine Type

Indirect input is possible using F12.

Reclamping Part

Selection whether time is required for reclamping the tool or not.

Direct input is possible.

Reclamping Time

Shows the time for changing the clamping base of a part. Depends on: Machine Type

Indirect input is possible using F12.

Positioning Tool

Selection whether time is required for positioning the tool or not.

Direct input is possible.

Positioning Time

Display of the time for additionally positioning of a tool. Depends on: Machine Type

Indirect input is possible using F12.

Positioning Count

Specifies how often the part is positioned.

Direct input is possible.

Secondary Processing Time

Necessary idle time of a process in which its actual activity cannot be performed.

Processing Time

The processing time is derived from the sum of the primary and secondary processing times.

Technical Description Group

The technical descriptions of the work step, such as label and description, are shown and managed in this group.


Step 5: Insert Machine

You can use the Rotating Speed from the work steps to determine the required machine and insert it.

To calculate the cutting force and speed the Machine Type, Machining Units Count, Parallel Processing and Rotating Speed must be entered at the machine:


You can insert the machine as a master data using queries (see Insert Global Calculation Element) or insert your own machine locally (see Insert Local Calculation Element).

The latter is shown in the following, because it illustrates the inputs required for calculation.

Insert Local Machine

  1. Select the »Chipping« process in the Structure view.
  2. Click Edit ► Insert ► Insert New Local Machine in the ribbon.

    A machine is inserted under chip removal »Chipping« process.

  3. Change the label to »Chipping Machine«.
  4. Under Details ► Technical Data view schema, select a machine type.
  5. Note

    You can use the following machine type with the cost model:

    • Band Saw Machine
    • Machining Center
    • Hacksaw Machine
    • Multi-Spindle Automatic Machine
    • Rotary Transfer Machine
    • Automatic Bar Turning Machine
    • Universal Turning Center
    • Universal Milling enter
    • Gear Milling Machine
  6. In the Details ► Overview view schema (combobox) of the machine enter values for the following properties:

    Calculation ► Investment
    Purchase Value 200,000 EUR
    Calculation ► Fixed Machine Cost
    Depreciation Period 6 a
    Technical Data
    Machining Units Count 2
    Parallel Processing


Step 6: Insert Machining Units

You can insert a certain number of machining units depending on the machine in use.

A machining unit is the area in the machine in which the material is clamped and machined. Depending on the machine, multiple machining units can be managed by making parallel processing possible.

Insert Machining Units

  1. Select the »Chipping Machine« in the Structure view.
  2. Click on Edit ► Insert ► Machining Unit in the ribbon.

    A machining unit is inserted under the machine.

  3. Change the label to »Machining Unit 1«.
  4. Repeat Steps 1 and 2.
  5. Change the label to »Machining Unit 2«.


Step 7: Assign Work Steps

The next step is to assign work steps to the machining units. Assigning this information calculates the following properties:

Property Description
Primary Processing Time Time in which the actual activity of a process is performed
Secondary Processing Time Necessary idle time of a process in which its actual activity cannot be performed.
Processing Time Time derived from the sum of the primary and secondary processing times

Assign Work Steps

  1. Select the »Machining Unit 1« in the Structure view.
  2. In the Details ► Calculation ► Manufacturing Valuation ►, click on the combobox next to Assigned Chipping Work Steps.

    The selection list with the work steps opens.

  3. Activate the following work steps you want to assign to the machining units:
    Machining UnitWork Step
    »Machining Unit 1«
    • »Milling 1«
    • »Turning 1«
    »Machining Unit 2«
    • »Turning 2«
    • »Sawing«

Calculated values of the Chipping cost model:

The following values are calculated using the data entered and then shown in the Details ► Calculation view schema:

  • Cycle Time
  • Ʃ Measure Values Cycle Time (if a technical measure has been added to the process)
  • Cycle Time including Ʃ Technical Measures (if a technical measure has been added to the process)
  • Cycles per Time
  • Output per Cycle
  • Output per Time
  • Time per Unit Output
  • Absolute Frequency of Occurrence
  • Percentaged Frequency of Occurrence


Step 8: Insert Worker and Tool

Insert Worker

  1. In the Structure view, select the »Chipping« process.
  2. In the ribbon, click on Edit ► Insert ► Worker.

    The corresponding labor costs for the worker are determined based on the sector, the reference location, the reference date, and the labor group.

Insert Tool

  1. In the Structure view, select the process »Chipping«.
  2. Click Edit ► Insert ► Insert New Local Tool.

    The tool is inserted under the process.


Step 9: Additional Fine Tuning

You can continue fine-tuning the settings of the individual work steps (Local List) and at the process in the Details view:

Group Properties
Local List : Work Steps ► Primary Processing Times
  • Number of Cuts
Local List : Work Steps ► Primary Processing Times ► Rotating
  • Number of Teeth
Process ► Calculation ► Manufacturing Valuation ► Secondary Processing Times
  • Loading Time
  • Unloading Time
  • Chip to Chip Time
  • Reclamping Time
  • Positioning Time
  • Indexing Time
Process ► Calculation ► Manufacturing Valuation ► Processing Times
  • % Additional Processing Time
  • Additional Processing Time

Properties of the Chipping cost model (Calculation ► Manufacturing Valuation)

Material Group

This group shows the chipping material group of the material that is used for chipping. The material classification for chipping is based on the ISO 513 standard.

Work Steps Group

The work step properties in the chipping process used to calculate the cost model are shown in this group. The button opens the Local List: Work Steps tab where you can manage the work steps.

Machine Group

The machine properties used to calculate the cost model are shown in this group.

Machine Type

Assignment of a machine to a specific group with the corresponding properties.

This value is required.

This value is required and can be managed at the material (Details ► Technical Data), or is applied when global templates are inserted.

Machining Units Count

Shows the count of available machining units on the machine.

Parallel Processing

Selection whether the machining units can be used simultaneously.

Rotational Speed

Turning: Rotational speed of part.

Milling/Drilling: Rotational speed of tool.

This value is required.

This value is required and can be managed at the material (Details ► Technical Data), or is applied when global templates are inserted.

Secondary Processing Times Group

The secondary processing times used to calculate the cost model are shown in this group.

Loading Time

Time for loading the machine with a part. Depends on: Machine Type

Indirect input is possible using F12.

Unloading Time

Time for unloading the part. Depends on: Machine Type

Indirect input is possible using F12.

Chip to Chip Time

Shows the time to change a tool, including positioning at a similar point at the part. Depends on: Machine Type

Indirect input is possible using F12.

Reclamping Time

Shows the time for changing the clamping base of a part. Depends on: Machine Type

Indirect input is possible using F12.

Positioning Time

Display of the time for additionally positioning of a tool. Depends on: Machine Type

Indirect input is possible using F12.

Indexing Time

Necessary time of the machine to hand over the part to the next machining unit. Depends on: Machine Type

Indirect input is possible using F12.

Processing Times Group

The processing times used to calculate the cost model are shown in this group.

Processing Time

Sum of the primary and secondary processing times.

Is calculated from:

  • Machining Units Count
  • Parallel Processing
  • Indexing Time
  • Primary Processing Times
  • Secondary Processing Times

% Additional Processing Time

Percentaged additional processing times that have not been considered. Is calculated when entering a value for the »Additional Processing Time«.

Direct input is possible.

Additional Processing Time

Absolute additional processing times that have not been considered. Is calculated when entering a value for the »% Additional Processing Time«.

Direct input is possible.