Semifinished parts

In this category, you can create, assign and edit semifinished parts. You can import semifinished parts via Excel import.

Create Semifinished Parts

  1. Right-click on the category Semifinished Parts ► New ► Semifinished part.

    A new semifinished part is created in the selected category/group.

  2. Change the default name in the "Name" entry field.
  3. Enter an ID in the "Material number" entry field.
  4. Select a "Form type" from the combobox.
  5. Switch to "Special" tab to assign a basic material to the semifinished part.

    Each semifinished part consists of at least one basic material.

  6. Right-click into the field of the Assignments group ► Add.

    The New Assignment dialog opens.

  7. Select the basic material you wish to add.
  8. Click OK.

    The selected basic material is now assigned.

  9. In the "Assignments" group, select the assigned basic material.
  10. In the "Other Parameters" group table, enter values for the semifinished part's dimensions, prices, and validities.
  11. Click Apply.

    The data are saved in Data Administration.


You can only change the form type of the semifinished part if no basic material is assigned to this semifinished part.