Manufacturing Processes

Manufacturing Processes are used for the manufacturing cost calculation, and are summarized in routings. The evaluation options of manufacturing processes are varied (see Calculation Modes). The consideration of employees and machines is possible, as well as the usage of cost centers.

A differentiated impact or reject of certain manufacturing technologies are easily configured. Additionally, you can evaluate manufacturing processes via cost models (see FACTON Cost models ).

You can import manufacturing processes via Excel import.

Create manufacturing processes

  1. Right-click on the category Manufacturing processes ► New ► Manufacturing process.

    A new manufacturing process is created in the selected category/group.

  2. Change the default name of the new manufacturing process in the "Name" entry field.
  3. Enter an ID in the "Process key" entry field.
  4. Define all properties, values and assignments in the following tabs.
  5. Click Apply.

    The data are saved in Data Administration.