Special tab

Cost Centers, Special Tab

Figure: "Data Administration" dialog, "Cost centers" category, "Special" tab

"Assignments" group:

  Employees Multiple work steps can be added and multiple ones can be actively assigned. If an employee is assigned to the cost center, the costs of the employee are ultimately used from the cost center. You cannot enter any more costs for the employee.
Manufacturing Processes Multiple manufacturing processes can be added and multiple ones can be actively assigned. If a manufacturing process is assigned to the cost center in a project, a prompt will be displayed asking whether the linked cost center should be copied.
  Machines Multiple machines can be added and multiple ones be actively assigned. If a machine is assigned to the cost center, the costs of the machine are ultimately used from the cost center.

"Other Parameters" group:

Columns of the table
Activity type Choose an activity type. All activities contained in the "Activity type" category are available for selection.
Price of activity type Displays the price of the respective activity type.
Variable share Shows the variable value of the activity type.
Currency Select the currency in which the activity type costs are displayed
Origin type Choose an origin type. You can choose between "Customers", "Suppliers", "Locations" and "Systems".
Origin Choose an origin. The selection depends on the selected origin type.
Valid from / to The start / end time of the period the activity type is valid for

Entering an invalid date - e.g. if the "Valid from" date succeeds the "Valid to" date (or vice versa) automatically to the 31st Dec. of the year entered in the "Valid from" date (and vice versa).

Type activity type Displays the type of the selected activity type.
Activity unit Shows the unit of the selected activity type.
Created by / on The name of the creator / the date of creation is automatically generated after saving.
Updated by / on The name of the user who most currently updated the data / the date of the most current update is automatically generated after saving.
Use cavities When the checkbox is activated, the use of cavities is automatically activated when the cavities are retrieved from the cost center using the Cost Center Calculation Mode .
Entry field
Cavities Shows the number of used cavities.
Employees per machine Displays the number of required operators (employees) for the entered number of cavities.
Cycle time Shows the time required for the entered number of cavities.
Employees per setup Shows the number of required setup employees.
Further Information