Assign master data

Master data used by Data Administration represents independent units of information. These units of information can be associated with (being linked to) each other using assignments. When adding the location to the project, the assigned master data is also added to the project.

Assignment types

Depending on the type of assignment, a link may be defined between two or more information units. Some information units can exist independently (e.g. currency exchange rates). Other information units only make sense when linked to another information unit (e.g. locations and basic data types). Also, there are information units that can exist independently, yet, when linked to other information units, they behave differently (e.g. machines).

FACTON distinguishes four different types of assignments:

Mandatory assignment Assignments are mandatory for this type of element. Calculation is not possible without an assignment.
Optional assignment Assignments are optional for this type of element, i.e. two elements may be linked but linking is not mandatory. However, when two elements of this type are linked by means of an assignment it affects the calculation.
Preference This type of assignment is intended for informational purposes only. It does not affect the calculation.
  No symbol This type of assignment is for informational purposes only and is not mandatory.

You can assign multiple links to a master data element. Each of these links is next to a checkbox. Use the checkbox to activate (checkmark) or deactivate the link. You can define assignments in the "Assignments" group of the "Special" tab.

Assign master data

  1. Open the master data category/group you wish to assign master data records to.
  2. Switch to the "Special" tab.
  3. Select a category in the "Assignments" group you wish to assign master data elements from.
  4. Right-click into this list.

    The context menu opens.

  5. Click Add.

    The New Assignment dialog opens.

  6. Select all master data elements you want to assign.
  7. Confirm your entries with OK.
  8. Click Apply.

    The assignments are saved.

Delete assignments

  1. Open the master data category/group you wish to delete the assignment from.
  2. Switch to the "Special" tab.
  3. Select a category in the "Assignments" group you wish to delete the assignment from.
  4. Choose the assignment - or several assignments at the same time - in the list.
  5. Right-click into the list.

    The context menu opens.

  6. Click on Delete.

    A confirmation prompt appears.

  7. Click on Yes if you really want to delete the selected assignment.

    The assignment is removed from the list.

  8. Click Apply.

    Your changes are saved.