

A material is a concrete resource involved in the supply chain which becomes an integral part of the new (intermediate) product with altered properties.

Materials are for example

  • Raw materials, basic materials and supplies
  • Semifinished parts
  • Standard parts (or norm parts)
  • Purchased parts

FACTON offers you an integrated machine cost rate calculation.

Further Information Material Quantity Calculation

In FACTON, materials are divided into company-own and FACTON Benchmark materials using the property »Data Origin«. As master data administrator, you can define and maintain company-own materials and the corresponding material-dependent value rules.


  • Polyethylene granules of lower density „DOWLEX™ 2045“ by the company Dow Chemicals
  • X4CrNi18-12, stainless steel according to DIN EN 10088-3, round profile
  • Screw M6, 4 cm
  • LCD-Display for a digital thermometer

Insertion Positions

Quantity Types

Materials can be used / specified and calculated in the following quantity types:

  • Area
  • Length
  • Mass
  • Piece
  • Volume

Calculated values of the Chipping cost model:

You can find the basic properties of the material in the Details view.

Toggle View Schema

  1. Click in the view schema combobox to the top right of a view.
  2. All view schemes for the selected view are shown.

  3. Click on the desired view schema.
  4. This switches the view schema.

    Alternative: Click on one of the icons right next to the combobox to activate the respective view schema.


The »Overview« view schema summarizes all available view schemes for the selected calculation or calculation element in groups. This schema is only available via the combobox.

»Calculation« group

Quantity Valuation

Select a quantity valuation for the material. The quantity valuation gives you access to an integrated weight calculation.

Further Information Material Quantity Calculation


Display and enter the density of the material.

This value is required.

Direct input is possible.

Net Quantity

Display and enter the net quantity used at the material.

This value is required.

Direct input is possible.

Hint Click on the plus (+) for further information.

»General Properties« group

The specific properties of the material are listed below.

Material type

When creating a material, the default material type is »raw material«.

Raw Material This material type calculates the »Direct Material Cost Raw Material«.
Purchased Part By selecting purchased part as material type, the new property Procurement Type is shown for further detailing of the direct material costs.

Procurement Type

This material type lets you determine the way this material is procured. You can choose between the following procurement types:

Purchased Material This procurement type calculates the »Direct Material Cost Purchased Material«.
Directed Buy Material This procurement type calculates the »Direct Material Cost Directed Buy Material«.

For Release 10 SC FP1: Select the property from the selection list (formerly: Activate the »Is Directed Buy Material« checkbox).

Customer Provided Material The »Direct Material Cost Customer Provided Material« is not a part of the calculation. This procurement type is externally provided by the customer who is assuming the entire acquisition costs.

For Release 10 SC FP1: Select the »Customer Provided Material« property from the selection list (formerly: Activate the »Is Externally Provided Material« checkbox).

Intercompany Material This procurement type calculates the »Direct Material Cost Intercompany Material«.
Intracompany Material This procurement type calculates the »Direct Material Cost Intracompany Material«.
External Processing This procurement type calculates the »Direct Material Cost External Processing«.

Additional Quantity Requirement

Display and enter the additionally required materials in quantity per time.

Total Quantity

Displays the total quantity incl. additional quantity requirement over production lifetime.

Further Information Material Requirement Planning

Price Source

Select a price source of the material.

Further Information Multi-Level Supply Chain

Price per Unit and Refund Price per Unit

Display of determined material price.

This value is required.

Indirect input is possible using F12.

Further Information Material Price Determination

Material Scrap Rate

Display of the material scrap rate as defined at the should cost calculation. (Details ► Assumptions ► Overhead and Scrap Rates).

The material scrap rate can be overridden ( F12) specifically for a machine.

Further Information »General Properties« group

Further Information

Click here for further information on each group.

»Master Data« group

Some calculation elements additionally have the »Master Data« view schema. For the material, this view schema comprises the properties of the following groups/view schemes at a glance:

  • General
  • Technical Description
  • Comments, Attachments and Links
  • Information


FACTON CMD Compatibility

Materials can be allocated under the following supported resources:


Note Materials are resources, which can be created locally in a calculation or referred from the master data. In the FACTON CMD, use the »Search Specification«.

A material calculates a »Gross Quantity«. It is calculated depending on the selected »Quantity Type«. Only materials with the quantity type »Mass« have access to the various Material Quantity Calculation. Depending on the selected »Quantity Valuation« several different »Geometric Shape« options are available for the quantity calculation.

Some properties are available for all »Material (Mass)« resources, most of them are depending on the defined »Quantity Valuation« and »Geometric Shape«.

UI Name Internal Name Type Object Type
Density MaterialDensity Density Resource
Quantity Valuation MaterialFormTypeSelection TMaterialGeneralFormType Resource
Material Classification* MaterialClassification TMaterialClassification Resource
Net Quantity MaterialNetQuantity ResourceQuantityType/ParentResourceQuantityType Allocation

* The material provides additional interface properties depending on the selected »Material Type«.

Further Information Material Classification

Table: Interface Properties - Material (general)

The following interface properties are available if any other value than »*Enter Quantity« is set as »Quantity Valuation«.

UI Name Internal Name Type Object Type
Geometric Shape MaterialGeometricShape DirectChildren(MaterialGeometricShapeGroup) Resource
Consider Length Allowance ConsiderLengthAllowance Boolean Resource
Detailed Length Calculation DetailedLengthCalculation Boolean Resource
Consider Markup ConsiderMarkup Boolean Resource
Profile Length (l) MaterialGrossProfileLength Length Allocation

Table: Interface Properties - Material (general properties for the quantity valuations Calculate Coil, Solid Profile, Casted Material, Hollow Profile, Sheet, Granules)

The following interface properties are only available if the value TRUE is set for »Formula« in the Details view of the Interface Property DetailedLengthCalculation.

UI Name Internal Name Type Object Type
Cutting Width (cw) MaterialCuttingWidth Length Allocation
Profile Remaining Length Start (ls) MaterialProfileLengthRemainingStart Length Allocation
Profile Remaining Length End (le) MaterialProfileLengthRemainingEnd Length Allocation

Table: Interface Properties - Material (additional properties for detailed length calculation)


The following interface properties are available if »Calculate Solid Profile« is set as »Quantity Valuation« and »Geometric Shape« is set to »Round«.

UI Name Internal Name Type Object Type
Cutting Width (cw) SolidRoundProfileDiameter Length Resource

Table: Interface Properties - Material (Solid Profile & Round)


The following interface properties are available if »Calculate Solid Profile« is set as »Quantity Valuation« and »Geometric Shape« is set to »Flat«.

UI Name Internal Name Type Object Type
Width (w) SolidFlatProfileWidth Length Resource
Height (h) SolidFlatProfileHeight Length Resource

Table: Interface Properties - Material (Solid Profile & Flat)


The following interface properties are available if »Calculate Hollow Profile« is set as »Quantity Valuation« and »Geometric Shape« is set to »Round«.

UI Name Internal Name Type Object Type
Outer Diameter (w) HollowRoundProfileOuterDiameter Length Resource
Wall Thickness (t) HollowRoundProfileWallThickness Length Resource

Table: Interface Properties - Material (Hollow Profile & Round)


The following interface properties are available if »Calculate Hollow Profile« is set as »Quantity Valuation« and »Geometric Shape« is set to »Flat«.

UI Name Internal Name Type Object Type
Outer Edge Length (h) HollowFlatProfileOuterEdgeLengthA Length Resource
Outer Edge Length (w) HollowFlatProfileOuterEdgeLengthB Length Resource
Wall Thickness (t) HollowFlatProfileWallThickness Length Resource

Table: Interface Properties - Material (Hollow Profile & Flat)