Special tab

Raw Materials, Special Tab

Figure: "Data Administration" dialog, "Materials - Raw Materials" category, "Special" tab

Top table:

This table is used to create, display and edit the raw materials.

Columns of the table
Name Entering the name is also possible in multiple languages
Material ID Enter an ID number for the raw material
Created by / on The name of the creator / the date of creation is automatically generated after saving.
Updated by / on The name of the user who most currently updated the data / the date of the most current update is automatically generated after saving.
Picture Link to the lodged picture. Click the button to open the picture and the Image Preview window.

Bottom table:

This table is used to create, display and edit the prices and quantities of a selected raw material from the upper table.

Columns of the table
Price Enter the price that is available according to the given quantity and period
Currency Select the currency the price is shown in
Quantity Enter a quantity
Price reference Select a unit the raw material price refers to
Origin type Choose an origin type. You can choose between "Stock Exchanges", "Customers" and "Suppliers".
Origin Choose an origin. The selection depends on the selected origin type.
Material surcharge factor

Enter the MSR factor.

Valid from / to The start / end time of the period the activity type is valid for

Entering an invalid date - e.g. if the "Valid from" date succeeds the "Valid to" date (or vice versa) - automatically sets the "Valid to" date to the 31st December of the year entered in the "Valid from" date (and vice versa).

Created by / on The name of the creator / the date of creation is automatically generated after saving.
Updated by / on The name of the user who most currently updated the data / the date of the most current update is automatically generated after saving.