Structure View

The Structure view represents the calculation structure with all of the costs due per project element. You can build up a whole calculation structure in this view.

Level Navigation
Selection of View Schemes
Selection of View Currency
Calculation Structure

Show and Hide Structure view

Show and Hide Structure view

  1. In the ribbon, click on the View tab.
  2. Activate or deactivate the »Structure« checkbox in the Show/Hide group to show or hide the Structure view.


    CTRL + 3

Further Information Customize Views

Level Navigation

The level navigation is located directly above the calculation structure and helps:

  • orienting and
  • navigating quicker within the calculation structure

You can use this function to focus on a particular calculation element and its sub-elements. You can navigate successively from the top-level to the lowest-level element, or jump to a specific level.

In the process, you can also display and edit the properties of each selected project element in the Details view.

You can choose a level as follows:

  • Navigate between Levels
  • Jump between the levels

Navigating between the levels (successively)

Navigate between Levels

  1. In the Structure view, click on the arrow of the navigation path behind the calculation element.

    All sub-elements of this calculation element are shown in a context menu.

  2. Select the calculation element you want to navigate to.

    The element becomes the top element of the current view.

  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to get to a deeper level.

Jump between the levels

Jump Between the Levels

  1. In the Structure view, select the calculation element you want to navigate to.
  2. Right-click on the calculation element ► Open.

    The element becomes the top element of the current view.


  • Double-click in the very first empty field of the calculation element.

    The calculation element becomes the top element of the current view.


  • Right-click on the calculation element ► Open in New Tab.

    The element opens in a new tab as top-level element.

Selection of View Schemes

You can also change the view schema within the Structure view. Each view schema shows certain data of the calculation or of the selected calculation element. This is used for fast data entry and as an overview.

You can choose between the following view schemes:

  • View schema »Production Cost« (default)
  • View schema »Production Cost - Detailed«
  • View schema »Input View«
  • View schema »Material«
  • View schema »Manufacturing - Technical View«
  • View schema »Manufacturing - Cost View«
  • View schema »Target Management«
  • View schema »Measure Management«

Toggle View Schema

  • You are in the Details, Structure, Key Figures, or Used Objects view.
  1. Click in the view schema combobox to the top right of a view.
  2. All view schemes for the selected view are shown.

  3. Click on the desired view schema.
  4. This switches the view schema.

    Alternative: Click on one of the icons right next to the combobox to activate the respective view schema.

Selection of View Currency

You can change the view currency in the Structure view of the Calculations workspace. The values of the calculation elements are listed and converted into the selected view currency.

Further Information Change View Currency

Calculation Structure

In the calculation structure you can build a bill of material (BoM) for your calculation.

The calculation structure is a bill of materials (BoM) in a specific calculation that presents all of the calculation elements (materials, prices, machines, etc.) required for manufacturing along with the causative costs. It also entails respective formulas FACTON uses for calculating amounts and prices of each calculation element.

Further Information Create Should Cost Calculation