Search and Open Calculation
Search and Open Calculation
- You are logged in as a Calculator.
- You are in the Calculations workspace.
Run Query on Calculations
- In the Explorer ► Queries, click on ► in front of SC Calculations.
You can run queries for the following calculation groups:
- Overhead Rate Calculations - CSW - Ordered by Label
- Overhead Rate Calculations - CSW - Ordered by Modification Date
- Overhead Rate Calculations - Versions
- Should Cost Calculations - CSW - Ordered by Label
- Should Cost Calculations - CSW - Ordered by Modification Date
- Should Cost Calculations - Versions
- Should Cost Calculations - Versions - Exportable
- Click on a calculation group whose calculation you are searching.
A new »Query: <Calculation>« tab opens where you can set query parameters.
- Define your query parameters.
- Click the
Run button to run the query.
All calculations found for the selected calculation group are displayed in the Result view.
Open Calculation
- Right-click on a calculation ► Open in New Tab.
The calculation opens in a tab.
- Double-click in the very first empty field of the calculation you wish to open.
The calculation opens in a tab.