Assign Basic Materials and Semifinished Parts


If there is no density information for the basic material in Data Administration, the mass cannot be calculated and must be entered manually.

Assign basic materials

  1. Click on the "Plus" sign in front of a manufacturing part. The detailed information opens.
  2. Double-clicking on "Basic material" opens the Material Properties dialog. The Basic Material tab is shown.
  3. Select a basic material from the "Material" list.
  4. Confirm your entries with OK.
  5. Confirm the prompt with OK. The Geometry Tab is shown in the Material Properties dialog.
  6. Select the "Manual input" option in the "Mass Definition" group.
  7. Enter the gross mass of the basic material in the "Gross mass" entry field.
  8. Confirm with OK. The basic material is assigned.

Assign a semifinished part

  1. Click on the "Plus" sign in front of a manufacturing part. The detailed information opens.
  2. Doppelklicken Sie auf das Halbzeug . Der Material Properties dialog und die Semifinished Part tab wird angezeigt.
  3. Select a semifinished part from the "Semifnished Part" list.
  4. Select an entry in the table.
  5. Switch to Geometry Tab.
  6. In the "Dimensions (Net)" group, select a semifinished part shape.
  7. Enter all required values in the "Dimensions (Net)" and "Dimensions (Gross)" groups.


    • In the "Mass Definition" group, select the option "Manual input".
    • Enter the mass values.
  8. Confirm your entries with OK. The semifinished part is assigned.