Production planning for a project

Production planning involves organizing production processes and determining at which time and for how long the various factors in production can be combined.

The quantity can optionally be planned on a yearly or monthly basis. FACTON also supports deviating calendar year and fiscal year periods for the input.

Extra charges, inflation and surcharges on cost elements can be predefined for each year using the basic data.

Basic data are managed under various references:

Location reference Time reference Type reference

Basic data is generally location-dependent, which means that within a location, a standard set of basic data applies for a period of one calculation year (within the production period).

Basic data can be changed on a yearly basis within the preset planning period.

FACTON lets you run your calculation using a number of different scenarios. These scenarios are modeled using different basic data types.


The basic data (basic data types and surcharge rates) can only be created and edited in FACTON Data Administration.

You must have at least the "read access" right to see basic data. You will need the "write access" right if you want to add or change basic data. These rights are configured in Data Administration.

Define project period and project data

Define production period

With FACTON you can forecast projects (products) with planning horizons ranging from the year 2002 to 2060 (state: 2017).

  1. In the ribbon, click onStartProject Cockpit ("Edit" group) Production Planning. The Production Planning category category opens.
  2. Determine the start of the project with the help of the "Begin (SOP)" combobox with arrow keys. Select the month or year and set the date using the arrow keys.
  3. Define the project's time frame by determining either the duration or the end date of the project:
    1. Determine the end date of the project with the help of the "End (EOP)" combobox arrow keys. The project duration is automatically set according to the entered end date.
    2. Set the desired "Duration" years and months. The project end date is automatically set according to the entered duration.

If you fix the project duration, the SOP and EOP are automatically adjusted to the entered duration as soon as you change them.

Define project data

  1. Enter annual or monthly quantities. For further information, please see the next chapter "Define quantities".
  2. In the "Number of Lots" column, enter the lots in which the product is produced.
  3. In the "Location" column, choose a production location for the basic data.
  4. In the "Basic Data" column, choose a suitable basic data record. In the "Basic Data - Location" column, the combined entry of the chosen basic data record and location is shown.
  5. In the Surcharges table, define the standard surcharges on the product (see Surcharges).
  6. Click Apply.