Production Planning category
The production planning of a project can be found in the Project Cockpit dialog. The project duration, quantities and surcharges are defined here.
Figure: Project Cockpit ialog, Production Planning category
"Production Period" group:
"Begin (SOP)" combobox with arrow keys:
Enter the month and year in which the calculation begins.
Enter the project period. The project end date (EOP) is automatically set.
"fix" checkbox: The entered period is fixed and unchangeable. When either SOP or EOP change, they are automatically adjusted according to the fixed duration.
"a" entry field: Enter the number of years the project period takes.
"Month(s)" entry field: Enter the number of months the project period takes.
"End (EOP)" combobox with arrow keys:
Enter the month and year in which the calculation ends.
Fiscal Years tab
Figure: Production Planning Category, Fiscal Years tab
Left table
"Fiscal year" group:
Shows that calculation year the settings in a table row apply to.
"Gross quantity" column:
Shows the quantity to be calculated for the corresponding year without deductions.
"Deduction in %" column:
Specifies discounts for the gross number of pieces for the relevant year.
"Quantity" column:
Specifies the quantity to be calculated for the corresponding year without deductions.
"Total quantity" column:
Quantity of the whole production period with deductions
"Count column:
Specifies the number of lots to be calculated for the corresponding year.
"Location" column:
Select the production location. All location origins under the category “Locations” in the Data Administration are displayed if at least one basic data record is added.
"Receiving Country" column:
Select the origin country group for each fiscal year Only available for single and assembly projects and their costing types - not for multi or configuration projects. If the location changes, the country group changes accordingly, even if the country group was overwritten.
"Basic data" column:
Select the basic data record that defines the standard surcharge rates for a calculation year. All basic data records of the "Basic Data" category in Data Administration are displayed if at least one location is added. The selection is determined by the selection in the "Location" column.
"Basic data - Location" column:
Displays the combination of location and basic data entry.
Origin of the costing type "Supplier/Customer/Location“ column:
This column is only available depending on which costing type is set for the project. Depending on the selected origin, the column is shown as:
"Supplier" column: Origin of the supplier costing type
"Location" column: Shows the origin of the location costing type
NoteFor the "Location" costing type, the additional column for the production location is omitted. Only the column with the costing type location is shown.
"Customer" column: Origin of the customer costing type
Figure: Production Planning category, Fiscal Years tab, Customer Costing Type
Right table
"Month" column: Shows the month and year from the selected fiscal year of the left table.
"Quantity" column: Specifies the quantity to be calculated for the corresponding month with deductions.
"Distribution" column: Monthly distribution of the quantity for the selected fiscal year in %
"Surcharges" table
This table shows the surcharge rates for the year selected in the annual quantities table. Here you can edit the surcharge rates for each.
Figure: Production planning dialog, Surcharges table
The surcharge rates are displayed in different ways. Standard surcharge rates, from the basic data for the selected year, are shown in black font.
Additional assigned or changed surcharge rates are shown in blue font.
"Name of Surcharge" column: Shows the surcharge name with the unit for the surcharge value in brackets.
"Value" column: Displays the value of surcharge rate. Click in a cell to edit the value.