
The physical calculation element (e. g. a machine or a material) is referred to as an instance. The template properties are taken over in the calculation. You can assign further instance properties in the calculation.

Instances are always shown on the first level in the Used Objects selection view under the calculation element type folder. All other levels are usage points.

The »Ultrasonic washing system | Tank capacity: 55 l« machine serves as an example to further explain the term »Instance«:

The »Ultrasonic washing system | Tank capacity: 55 l« is a real, physical machine (instance) in the plant. This machine is required for the production of a »Motor Shaft«. The same machine is used at two usage points in the calculation (two where-used positions). Thus for example, the investment costs only incur once for this machine in the calculation of the »Motor Shaft«.

In other words, the value of an instance-specific property is the same at all positions/usage positions of an instance.


The following properties are shown in the Details and Used Objects view.

Instance Label

This property shows the label of instances which can be overridden with F12 , e. g. to classify instances that belong together and find them via the filtering function in the Used Objects view.

Instance Count (# Instances)

This property shows the number of instances.

For global calculation elements, you can identify the number of instances per global template in your calculation. For example, if you have inserted the same material from the master data (exactly the same global template) twice in your calculation, the number of instances shows »2«.

For local calculation elements the number of instances is always »1«.

Example - Same Elements

Elements are the same when two or more positions refer to two or more non-identical instances but to one and the same template.

  • Milacron Maxima MG 1100 - 4400 t injection molding machine in Dresden plant II
  • Milacron Maxima MG 1100 - 4400 t injection molding machine in the Potsdam plant

Usage Count (# Usages)

The property »# Usages« shows the number of usage positions.

Example - Identical Element

Elements are identical when two or more (usage) positions reference one and the same instance.

  • Milacron Maxima MG 1100 - 4400 t injection molding machine in plant 1, which manufactures steering wheels in shift 1
  • Milacron Maxima MG 1100 - 4400 t injection molding machine in plant 1, which manufactures cupholders in shift 2


Show Where-Used Position

  1. In the Used Objects view, select the calculation element whose usage position you want to have displayed.
  2. Right-click ► Go to Where-Used Position.


Show Instance in the Used Objects view

  • Right-click on the calculation element in the Structure view ► Show in Used Objects.
  • The calculation element opens in the Used Objects view.