Use a Calculation in a Calculation


  • You can use an existing calculation (e.g. from a colleague) in your should cost calculation to determine the costs of an assembly or a part.
  • The costs of this calculation provide the source for the costs of your assembly or part.
  • Changes to the source calculation directly affect the costs of your assembly or part (the symbol for outdated elements appears).
  • Hence, you can simultaneously work on a calculation project and do not have to manually re-enter already calculated values.

Step 1: Create »Assembly Price Calculation«

First create a complete calculation that calculates the price of the assembly. This calculation is used as the price source for all assembly prices in your should cost calculation in the further process.

  1. Create a Should Cost Calculation. (Create Should Cost Calculation)
  2. Change the label to »Assembly Price Calculation« in the Details Overview view schema (combobox).
  3. Add the Project Number »123« in the Details ► Overview view schema (combobox).

    FACTON uses the project number and/or auto ID as filter to identify and display only relevant calculations as price source.

Step 2: Insert Assembly

Insert a new assembly. You can use any quantity type for the assembly.

Insert Assembly

  1. Select the »Assembly Price Calculation« should cost calculation in the Structure view.
  2. In the ribbon, click on Edit ► Insert ► Assembly (Mass).

    An assembly is added under the should cost calculation.

  3. Change the label to »Assembly Price«.
  4. Define the following properties for the assembly in the Details Overview view schema (combobox):
    ValuationEstimate Costs
    Estimate Details
    Customer Provided Material5,000.00 EUR / kg

Step 3: Save and Publish Changes

In order to select the should cost calculation »Assembly Price Calculation« of step 4 as price source, all changes in the created calculation need to be saved and published.

Save Changes

  • In the quick access toolbar, click the Save all applications data button.

    All of your changes are saved and the icon is grayed-out.


  • In the ribbon, click on the File ► Save All.

    All changes are saved.

Publish Changes

  • In the ribbon, click on the File ► Publish All.

    All existing changes are published.


It is not possible to undo changes after publishing.

Step 4: Create Should Cost Calculation

In this step you create the should cost calculation in which you wish to use the determined assembly price of the should cost calculation »Assembly Price Calculation«.

  1. Create a Should Cost Calculation. (Create Should Cost Calculation)
  2. Add the Project Number »123« in the Details ► Overview view schema (combobox).

    FACTON uses the project number and/or auto ID as filter to identify and display only relevant calculations as price source.

Step 5: Insert Assembly with Price Source

In this step, you create the assembly you wish to use the determined assembly price of the should cost calculation »Assembly Price Calculation« for.

Insert Assembly with Price Source

  1. Select the should cost calculation in the Structure view.
  2. In the ribbon, click on Edit ► Insert ► Assembly (Mass).

    An assembly is added under the should cost calculation.

  3. Define the following properties at the assembly in the Details ► Calculation view schema (combobox):
    ValuationUse Should Cost Calculation
    Selecting this option provides further properties for the should cost calculation in order to determine and select the precise calculation.
    Calculation ► Should Cost Calculation- Details
    Project Number Filter123
    Source CalculationAssembly Price Calculation
    Conversion Factor2.00 pc / kg

Optional Step: Open price source of the should cost calculation

  1. Select the assembly or the part with a calculation as price source in the Structure view.
  2. In the Details ► Calculation view schema (combobox)Should Cost Calculation - Details on the button (next to the Value column).

    The price source calculation of the opens in a new tab.

Properties of the »Should Cost Calculation - Details« group:

  • Auto Increment ID Filter
    • Entry field to insert the »Auto ID« of the price source calculation. You can enter the »Auto Increment ID« the following ways:
      • Exactly: Enter the exact auto ID (123456-CSW or 123456-1)
        • No further selection for source calculation needed
      • Partly: Enter only the first numbers of the auto ID before the »-« (123456)
        • No further selection for source calculation needed
    • This number is used as filter when querying for a selection of specific calculations that can be used as source calculations.
  • Project Number Filter
    • Entry field to insert the »Project Number« of the price source calculation.
    • Enter the exact project number of the source calculation.
    • This number is used as filter when querying for a selection of specific calculations that can be used as source calculations.
    • An already defined project number on the calculation level is assumed and shown at this property. It can be overridden (F12).
  • Source Calculation
    • Selection field to display and choose from a filtered range of calculations.
  • Conversion Factor
    • Entry field to insert the conversion factor.
    • Quantity relation between should cost calculation as price source (= source calculation) and the quantity type.
    • Example: 1 should cost calculation for 1 kg/m/m²/m³/pc material
    • Is multiplied by the imputed sales price of the source calculation.