Calculate Die Casting

You can use the Calculate Die Casting cost model to calculate the process times and costs for the die casting manufacturing process in metalworking. In FACTON, there are value rule tables and formulas defined at the cost model providing you with information on:

  • the anticipated cycle time,
  • the possible process output per time and cycle,
  • the material consumption, and
  • the material consumption,
  • the primary and secondary processing times.

In the cost model Die Casting a distinction is made between hot and cold chamber processes.

The table shows typical application scenarios of the cost model for parts and industries:

Typical parts Typical Industries
  • Toys
  • Casings, Covers
  • Furnishings
  • Machine Parts
  • Automotive Sector / Aerospace Sector
  • Electrical Industry
  • Consumer Goods
  • Mechanical Engineering

You need knowledge of the Die Casting manufacturing process in order to use the cost model.


The following example illustrates the process and structure of the Die Casting cost model:


The black triangle helps you identify editable values.

The Consistency Rule Violation check is available to you when entering values. The consistency rule violations check notifies when there are missing values and verifies the accuracy of the values entered.

When you hover over one of the consistency rule violations icons with your mouse, a tooltip appears with the specific reason for the consistency rule violations.


Step 1: Create Should Cost Calculation

Further Information Create Should Cost Calculation


Step 2: Insert Process

Insert Process

  1. In the Structure view, highlight the project element you wish to insert under the process.
  2. Click Edit ► Insert ► Process in the ribbon.

    A process is inserted in the calculation structure.

  3. Change the label to »Die Casting«.
  4. Define the following properties for the process in the Details ► General Properties view schema (combobox):
  5. Material Classification* Basic Materials » Metal » Nonferrous Metal » Light Metal » Aluminum
    Manufacturing Method* Primary Shaping » Casting » Die Casting
    *FACTON recommends the appropriate materials and machines in the queries for the processes by allowing you to select the material classification and manufacturing process.
  6. In the Details ► Calculation view schema, select the valuation Calculate Die Casting .

    A new group Manufacturing Valuation appears with sub-groups.


When changing valuations, the sub-elements are grayed-out and no longer considered in the calculation.


Step 3: Insert Material

Values must be entered at the material for the Density and the Material Classification properties in order to calculate the primary processing times.


Values for the following property are determined via value rules by selecting the material classification:

  • Specific Die Casting Pressure
  • Thermal Conductivity
  • Specific Heat Capacity

You can view the properties at the process under Details ► Calculation ► Manufacturing Valuation ► Material.


You can insert the material as a master data using queries (see Insert Global Calculation Element) or insert your own material locally (see Insert Local Calculation Element).

The latter is shown in the following, because it illustrates the inputs required for calculation.

Insert Local Material

  1. Select the »Die Casting« process in the Structure view.
  2. Click on Edit ► Insert ► Insert New Local Material (Mass).

    A local material is inserted under the »Die Casting« process.

  3. Change the label to »Die Casting Material«.
  4. Under Details ► Technical Data view schema, select a material classification.
  5. Note

    You can use the following material classification with the cost model:

    • Aluminum
    • Zinc
    • Tin
    • Magnesium Alloy
  6. In the Details ► Overview view schema (combobox) of the material enter values for the following properties:

    Density 2.7 g / cm³
    Price per Unit 0.75 EUR / kg

Values are determined at the process in the Calculation ► Manufacturing Valuation ► Material group for the following properties using value rules based on the material classification:

  • Specific Die Casting Pressure
  • Thermal Conductivity
  • Specific Heat Capacity


Step 4: Describe Part

The part properties are required in order to determine the cycle time.

Describe Part

  1. In the Structure view, select the »Die Casting« process.
  2. Enter the following values for the part in the Details ► view schema Calculation ► Manufacturing Valuation ► Part.

    These values are required in order to calculate additional values:

  3. Additional values are calculated based on the input values for the part and shown at the »Die Casting« process in the Details ► Calculation ► Manufacturing Valuation.

Part Property Calculated Value in Group
Gating System Volume
  • Material Usage Weight
  • Material Usage Volume
  • Recyclable Material
Part Volume Part Weight Part
Projected Area of Part Projected Area of Gating System
Projected Area of Part
  • Clamping Force by Projected Area of Part
  • Required Clamping Force for Part
  • Clamping Force by Projected Area of Gating System
  • Required Total Clamping Force
Clamping Force
Ø Wall Thickness
  • Cooling Time
  • Fill Time
Primary Processing Time


Step 5: Insert Machine

You can use the calculated Required Total Clamping Force and the Material Usage Weight to determine the required machine and insert it. The required total clamping force is the minimum amount of force a machine must supply in order to manufacture the described part.

To calculate the number of cavities values must be entered at the machine for the Machine Type, Available Clamping Force and Shot Mass of the Machine properties.


You can insert the machine as a master data using queries (see Insert Global Calculation Element) or insert your own machine locally (see Insert Local Calculation Element).

The latter is shown in the following, because it illustrates the inputs required for calculation.

Insert Local Machine

  1. Select the »Die Casting« process in the Structure view.
  2. Click Edit ► Insert ► Insert New Local Machine in the ribbon.

    A machine is inserted under the »Die Casting« process.

  3. Change the label to »Die Casting Machine«.
  4. Under Details ► Technical Data view schema, select a machine type.
  5. Note

    You can use the following machine type with the cost model:

    • Cold-Chamber Die Casting Machine
    • Hot-Chamber Die Casting Machine
  6. In the Details ► Overview view schema (combobox) of the machine enter values for the following properties:

    Calculation ► Investment
    Purchase Value 200,000 EUR
    Calculation ► Fixed Machine Cost
    Depreciation Period 6 a
    Technical Data
    Available Clamping Force 2,200.00 kN
    Machine Shot Mass 12.00 kg
  7. Note

    Sufficient clamping force for the machine is determined by the sum of the Required Clamping Force for Part and Clamping Force by Projected Area of Gating System.

Calculated values of the Die Casting cost model:

The following values are calculated using the data entered and then shown in the Details ► Calculation view schema:

  • Cycle Time
  • Ʃ Measure Values Cycle Time (if a technical measure has been added to the process)
  • Cycle Time including Ʃ Technical Measures (if a technical measure has been added to the process)
  • Cycles per Time
  • Output per Cycle
  • Output per Time
  • Time per Unit Output
  • Absolute Frequency of Occurrence
  • Percentaged Frequency of Occurrence


Step 6: Insert Worker and Tool

Insert Worker

  1. In the Structure view, select the »Die Casting« process.
  2. In the ribbon, click on Edit ► Insert ► Worker.

    The corresponding labor costs for the worker are determined based on the sector, the reference location, the reference date, and the labor group.

Insert Tool

  1. In the Structure view, select the process »Die Casting«.
  2. Click Edit ► Insert ► Insert New Local Tool.

    The tool is inserted under the process.


Step 7: Additional Fine Tuning

You can continue fine-tuning the settings at the process in the Details ► Calculation ► Manufacturing Valuation group:

Group Properties
  • Specific Die Casting Pressure
  • Thermal Conductivity
  • Specific Heat Capacity
  • % Additional Value for Material Loss
Clamping Force
  • Additional Clamping Force for Safety (Percentage or Absolute)
  • Additional Clamping Force for Sliders (Percentage or Absolute)
Secondary Processing Times
  • Insert and Demolding Time
  • Sliders Count
  • Greasing Time
  • Additional Primary Processing Times
Primary Processing Time
  • Tool Open Close Time
  • Ladle Time
  • Fill Time
  • Additional Primary Processing Times