Calculate Circuit Board Assembling

Circuit board assembling is a manufacturing process comprising multiple individual processes that are linked serially. The machine with the longest cycle time determines the cycle time for the entire process chain.

The following individual processes must be performed:

  • Printing the PCB Panel
  • Assembling the PCB Panel
  • Reflow Soldering
  • Depanelization
  • Optical Inspection
  • In Circuit Test

You can use the Calculate Circuit Board Assembling cost model to calculate the process times and costs for the circuit board assembling manufacturing process in metal working. In FACTON, there are value rule tables and formulas defined at the cost model providing you with information on:

  • the anticipated cycle time for the entire process chain and individual processes,
  • the possible process output per time and cycle,
  • the material consumption,
  • the printing, soldering, cutting and scanning speeds

You need knowledge of the Circuit Board Assembling manufacturing process in order to use the cost model.


The following example illustrates the process and structure of the Circuit Board Assembling cost model:


The black triangle helps you identify editable values.

The Consistency Rule Violation check is available to you when entering values. The consistency rule violations check notifies when there are missing values and verifies the accuracy of the values entered.

When you hover over one of the consistency rule violations icons with your mouse, a tooltip appears with the specific reason for the consistency rule violations.



Step 1: Create Should Cost Calculation

Further Information Create Should Cost Calculation


Step 2: Insert Process for Process Chain

For circuit board assembling, you need a calculation structure that visualizes the process chain. Set the valuation for the Circuit Board Assembling cost model at this process. This displays the properties for the process chain.

The individual Cycle Times for the processes are displayed at the »Circuit Board Assembling« process in the Details ► Calculation ► Manufacturing Valuation along the entire process chain. The cycle time for the process chain is determined based on the process with the longest cycle time for the machine.

Insert Process

  1. In the Structure view, highlight the project element you wish to insert under the process.
  2. Click Edit ► Insert ► Process in the ribbon.

    A process is inserted in the calculation structure.

  3. Change the label to »Circuit Board Assembling«.
  4. Define the following properties for the process in the Details ► General Properties view schema (combobox):
  5. Material Classification* Parts » Electric Components
    Manufacturing Method* Joining » Assembling
    *FACTON recommends the appropriate materials and machines in the queries for the processes by allowing you to select the material classification and manufacturing process.
  6. In the Details ► Calculation view schema, select the valuation Calculate Circuit Board Assembling .

    A new group Manufacturing Valuation appears with sub-groups.


When changing valuations, the sub-elements are grayed-out and no longer considered in the calculation.


Step 3: Describe Part

The part properties are required in order to determine the cycle time.


For a mixed or double-sided assembly, note that the process chain repeats itself and thus increases the cycle time.

Describe Part

  1. In the Structure view, select the »Circuit Board Assembling« process.
  2. Enter the following values for the part in the Details ► view schema Calculation ► Manufacturing Valuation.

    These values are required in order to calculate additional values:

  3. Additional values are calculated based on the input values for the part and shown at the »Circuit Board Assembling« process in the Details ► Calculation ► Manufacturing Valuation.

Part Property Group Calculated Value
Length of PCB Panel Panel and Printed Circuit Boards Area of PCB Panel
Width of PCB Panel
PCB Count in Panel Length Panel and Printed Circuit Boards
  • Parting Planes in Length
  • Parting Planes in Width
  • Cutting Length
  • PCB Count per Panel
PCB Count in Panel Width


Step 4: Insert Material

Values must be entered at the material for the Material Type, Gross Quantity, Material Classification, PCB Placement Method and the PCB Placement Complexity properties in order to calculate the necessary press force.

The PCB placement method and the PCB placement complexity are relevant for determining the cycle time. Select the PCB placement method and the PCB placement complexity at the material with the material classification Parts » Electronic Parts.

PCB Placement Method

This cost model allows you to choose between the collect & place (C&P) and pick & place (P&P) cost models.

PCB Placement Complexity

By entering the PCB placement complexity (in percent), you can define how complex the placement of the electronic component is related to the definition in IPC 9850.


You can insert the material as a master data using queries (see Insert Global Calculation Element) or insert your own material locally (see Insert Local Calculation Element).

The latter is shown in the following, because it illustrates the inputs required for calculation.

Insert Local Material

  1. Select the »Circuit Board Assembling« process in the Structure view.
  2. Click on Edit ► Insert ► Insert New Local Material (Piece) in the ribbon.

    A local material is inserted under the »Circuit Board Assembling« process.

  3. Change the label to »Ceramic Capacitor 10uF/ X7R«.
  4. Under Details ► Technical Data view schema, select a material classification.
  5. Note

    You can use the following material classification with the cost model:

    • Electronic Components
  6. In the Details ► Overview view schema (combobox) of the material enter values for the following properties:

    Material Type Purchased Part
    Procurement Type Purchased Material
    Net Quantity 120.00 pc / cycle
    Price per Unit 0.75 EUR / kg
    Technical Data
    PCB Placement Method P&P
    PCB Placement Complexity 100 %

Entering the PCB Placement Method and the Placement Capacity calculates the following value at the process:

  • Calculation ► Manufacturing Valuation ► Process Chain ► Placement group: Weighted Quantity P&P (depending on selected placement method)


Step 5: Build Process Chain - Insert Machine

In order to visualize the individual processes of the process chain, insert all of the required machines under the »Circuit Board Assembling« process. Each individual process contains a certain machine type and a manufacturing process with specific process properties. The diagram shows the process chain with all individual manufacturing processes and their machine properties:


You can insert the machine as a master data using queries (see Insert Global Calculation Element) or insert your own machine locally (see Insert Local Calculation Element).

The latter is shown in the following, because it illustrates the inputs required for calculation.


Individual Process - Printing

In order to calculate the printing cycle time, the Machine Type and Print Speed properties must be entered at the machine.


When inserting multiple machines for printing, the Minimum Print Speed is used to calculate the cycle time.

Insert Machine for Printing

  1. Select the »Circuit Board Assembling« process in the Structure view.
  2. Click Edit ► Insert ► Insert New Local Machine in the ribbon.

    A machine is inserted under the »Circuit Board Assembling« process.

  3. Change the label to »Screen Printing Machine«.
  4. Under Details ► Technical Data view schema, select a machine type.
  5. Note

    You can use the following machine type with the cost model:

    • Solder Paste Printer / Screen Printer
  6. Enter values for the following properties in the Details ► Technical Data:
  7. Machine Type Solder Paste Printer / Screen Printer
    Print Speed 100.00 mm / s

Entering the machine property Print Speed and the length of the PCB panel calculates the following values at the process:

  • Calculation ► Manufacturing Valuation ► Process Chain ► Printing group:
    • Print Speed
    • Printing Cycle Time


Individual Process - Placement

To calculate the Assembling Cycle Time, the Machine Type and Performance for C&P or P&P properties must be entered at the machine.

Insert Machine for Placement

  1. Select the »Circuit Board Assembling« process in the Structure view.
  2. Click Edit ► Insert ► Insert New Local Machine in the ribbon.

    A machine is inserted under the »Circuit Board Assembling« process.

  3. Change the label to »Placement Machine«.
  4. Under Details ► Technical Data view schema, select a machine type.
  5. Note

    You can use the following machine type with the cost model:

    • Automatic Placement Machine for PCB
  6. Enter values for the following properties in the Details ► Technical Data:
  7. Machine Type Automatic Placement Machine for PCB
    Performance P&P 10,000.00 pc / h

Entering the machine property Performance calculates the following values:

  • Calculation ► Manufacturing Valuation ► Process Chain ► Placement group:
    • Weighted Quantity P&P
    • Placement Time P&P
    • Assembling Cycle Time


Individual Process - Soldering

To calculate the soldering cycle time, the Machine Type and Solder Speed properties must be entered at the machine.


If you insert multiple machines for soldering, the Minimum Solder Speed is used to calculate the cycle time.


Insert Machine for Soldering

  1. Select the »Circuit Board Assembling« process in the Structure view.
  2. Click Edit ► Insert ► Insert New Local Machine in the ribbon.

    A machine is inserted under the »Circuit Board Assembling« process.

  3. Change the label to »Reflow Oven«.
  4. Under Details ► Technical Data view schema, select a machine type.
  5. Note

    You can use the following machine type with the cost model:

    • Reflow Oven
  6. Enter values for the following properties in the Details ► Technical Data:
  7. Machine Type Reflow Oven
    Solder Speed 750.00 mm / s

Entering the machine property Solder Speed calculates the following values at the process:

  • Calculation ► Manufacturing Valuation ► Process Chain ► Reflow Soldering group:
    • Solder Time
    • Reflow Soldering Cycle Time


Individual Process - Depanelization

To calculate the depanelization cycle time, the Machine Type and Cutting Speed properties must be entered at the machine.

Insert Machine for Depanelization

  1. Select the »Circuit Board Assembling« process in the Structure view.
  2. Click Edit ► Insert ► Insert New Local Machine in the ribbon.

    A machine is inserted under the »Circuit Board Assembling« process.

  3. Change the label to »Depanelizer«.
  4. Under Details ► Technical Data view schema, select a machine type.
  5. Note

    You can use the following machine type with the cost model:

    • Depanelizer
  6. Enter values for the following properties in the Details ► Technical Data:
  7. Machine Type Depanelizer
    Cutting Speed 100.00 mm / s

Entering the machine property Cutting Speed calculates the following values at the process:

  • Calculation ► Manufacturing Valuation ► Process Chain ► Depanelization group:
    • Print Speed and
    • Depanelization Cycle Time


Individual Process - Optical Inspection

To calculate the optical inspection cycle time, you must enter a value for the Scan Speed at the »Circuit Board Assembling« process.

Enter Scan Speed for Optical Inspection

  1. Select the »Circuit Board Assembling« process in the Structure view.
  2. Under Details ► Calculation ► Manufacturing Valuation ► Process Chain ► Optical Inspection, enter a value for the Scan Speed property (e. g. 100 cm² / s).

Entering the property Scan Speed and area of the PCB panel calculates the following value:

  • Calculation ► Manufacturing Valuation ► Process Chain ► Optical Inspection group:
    • Optical Inspection Cycle Time


Single Process - In Circuit Test

To calculate the cycle time you must enter a value for the Test Time at the »Circuit Board Assembling« process.

Insert Test Time for In Circuit Test

  1. Select the process »Circuit Board Assembling«.
  2. Under Details ► Calculation ► Manufacturing Valuation ► Process Chain ► In Circuit Test, enter a value for the Test Time property (e. g. 2 s / cycle).

Entering the property Test Time calculates the following values:

  • Calculation ► Manufacturing Valuation ► Process Chain ► In Circuit Time group:
    • Circuit Test Cycle Time


The process chain cycle time is determined by the longest individual process in the process chain (highest cycle time).

Calculated values of the Circuit Board Assembling cost model:

The following values are calculated using the data entered and then shown in the Details ► Calculation view schema:

  • Cycle Time
  • Ʃ Measure Values Cycle Time (if a technical measure has been added to the process)
  • Cycle Time including Ʃ Technical Measures (if a technical measure has been added to the process)
  • Cycles per Time
  • Output per Cycle
  • Output per Time
  • Time per Unit Output
  • Absolute Frequency of Occurrence
  • Percentaged Frequency of Occurrence


Step 6: Insert Worker and Tool

Insert Worker

  1. In the Structure view, select the »Circuit Board Assembling« process.
  2. In the ribbon, click on Edit ► Insert ► Worker.

    The corresponding labor costs for the worker are determined based on the sector, the reference location, the reference date, and the labor group.

Insert Tool

  1. In the Structure view, select the process »Circuit Board Assembling«.
  2. Click Edit ► Insert ► Insert New Local Tool.

    The tool is inserted under the process.


Step 7: Additional Fine Tuning

You can continue fine-tuning the settings at the process in the Details ► Calculation ► Manufacturing Valuation group:

Group Properties
Panel and Printed Circuit Boards PCB Undersurface is Assembled
Process Chain ► Printing
  • Loading and Unloading Time
  • Print Speed
Process Chain ► Placement
  • Loading and Unloading Time
  • Performance
Process Chain ► Reflow Soldering
  • Loading and Unloading Time
  • Solder Speed
Process Chain ► Optical Inspection
  • Loading and Unloading Time
  • Scan Speed
Process Chain ► In Circuit Test
  • Loading and Unloading Time
  • Test Time