Work History view

The Work History view shows all created versions and the current status of work of your calculations to provide you with a quick summary of your calculation's work status history.

In the Work History view, the current status of work of a calculation is always shown as top-level element »XXXX-CSW«. The calculation has no version number. Versions are numbered consecutively.

»Version No.« column
»Label« column
»Calculation Status« column
»Version Comment« column
»PrimeC« and »Imp. SP« column
»Version Create Time« and »Version Creator Name« column
»Auto ID« column

Show and Hide Work History view

Show and Hide Work History view

  1. In the ribbon, click on View.
  2. Activate or deactivate the »Work History« checkbox in the Show/Hide group to show or hide the Work History view.


    CTRL + 6

For further information, see: Customize Views

»Version No.« column

The column »Version No.« shows the respective version number of a calculation.

Version numbers are automatically and consecutively assigned when creating a version. The latest version of a calculation is always shown in the second row, directly below the current status of work (CSW).

»Label« column

The column »Label« shows the name of the calculation and its version(s).

»Calculation Status« column

The column »Calculation Status« shows the status of the current status of work of the calculation and its version(s).

»Version Comment« column

You can comment on created versions.

You can enter the comment directly in the input field, as it is marked with a black triangle ().

»PrimeC« and »Imp. SP« column

The columns »PrimeC« and »Imp. SP« show the prime costs II and the imputed sales price of the current status of work of a calculation and its version(s).

»Version Create Time« and »Version Creator Name« column

The columns »Version Create Time« and »Version Creator Name« show information regarding:

  • when the version was created and
  • who created it

»Auto ID« column

The column »Auto ID« shows the consecutive numbers of a calculation and its version(s).

The consecutive number is automatically assigned when creating a calculation.