"Key Figures" tab

Static Investment Calculation

Key Figure Description Formula
Revenue The revenue is determined by the monthly sales prices and is converted into the project currency.
Product costs The product costs are determined by the monthly product costs. They are converted into the project currency. The monthly product costs are constant throughout the considered year
Profit The profit equals the difference from revenues and costs.
Investments Investments represent the sum of all defined expenses over additional costs and machines over project lifetime. They are converted into the project currency.
Return on investment (ROI) Return on investment equals the quotient of profit and investment in %.
Total pay in The total pay in represents the sum of revenue and direct payments.
Total pay out The total pay in represents the sum of investments and costs.
Free cash flow The free cash flow represents the difference between cash revenue and cash expenses. Investments are already taken into account in the cash expenses.
Static amortization The static amortization period equals the average overplus amount of periods divided by the investments without considering the interest on capital.


An amortization period under 0 is not shown. A line is shown instead.

D Direct payments
E Pay ins
I Investment
k Monthly product costs

Number of periods: months from SOI until EOI

p Monthly sales price
PUe Average period overplus amount
q Monthly quantity
T Total periods
t Periods
w Weighting


Dynamic Investment Calculation

Key Figure Description
Net present value The net present value (capital value) is calculated based on the net present value and the period overplus amount which are discounted by the conform interest rate. No discount is made within the period that is directly defined by the net present value.
Internal nominal interest rate The internal interest rate is the interest for which the capital value is 0. Monthly and annual interest periods are considered.
Internal rate of return (IRR) The internal rate of return is a discount rate that makes the net present value of all cash flows equal to zero.
Dynamic amortization The dynamic amortization period equals the number of periods from SOI until the present value is 0 or until the cumulated overplus amount of periods change from negative to positive.


Table for Key Figures and Cash Flow

The multi-level table comprises all key figure and cash flow data of the individual projects. The table is equal to the table in the Batch Data Administration > Table of projects (level 1).