Unit System

Here, the unit classes and units are configured.

Unit System Interface

Figure: Unit System Interface (System)

Activate system of measurement configuration checkbox In addition to the unspecific unit system you can configure and use the imperial and metric unit system. The checkbox is deactivated by default. All units and unit classes are unspecific.
Unit Classes table
Name column:

Name of the unit class (dimension). Only user-specific unit classes can be renamed (not standard ones).

Units table
Caption column Enter the name of the unit of measurement. This represents the full name of the unit.
Short Name column Abbreviation or short name of the unit used, inter alia, when switching a unit. Standard abbreviations of units should be used here, e.g. "cm" for centimeter.
Identifier column Unit identifier. It is possible to enter several identifiers for a unit, e.g. "h" and "hr" for the unit "hour". Enter identifiers separated by a semicolon ";". This enables the Excel import and Service-API to work with different identifiers for the same unit. When entering a new identifier, a check is run whether the identifier is already being used for a different unit.
Factor to column

Value which is multiplied with the basic unit value of the dimension.

Length "cm" in "mm"  
Value of the basic unit "cm": 0.2
Factor to unit "mm": 10
Value of unit mm: 2 (0.2 x 10 = 2)
Reciprocal of Factor column

Value which the basic unit value of the dimension is divided by.

Length "mm" in "cm"  
Value of the basic unit "mm": 2
Factor to unit "cm": 10
Value of unit cm: 0.2 (2 / 10 = 0.2)
Decimal Places column Enter the number of digits after the decimal point for the value of the unit of measurement. Every user can modify the accuracy of a unit.
System of Measurement column Assigning the unit to a unit system. A new unit has the unit system "unspecific" by default.
Assignment Metric column A metric unit can be assigned to an imperial unit. When switching the unit system, the unit is automatically converted into and displayed in the assigned unit.
Assignment Imperial column A metric unit can be assigned to an imperial unit. When switching the unit system, the unit is automatically converted into and displayed in the assigned unit.
button and Sort Units
Further Information