This dialog is used to administer the rights to objects and folders in FACTON.

Administer Rights of selected object dialog

Figure: Administer Rights of selected object dialog

  • Dialog name:

    The dialog is named after the selected object or folder whose rights are to be edited.

  • Table of users and user groups and their rights:

    This table displays the users and user groups with special access rights for each object. When a right for a user or user group is shown in gray font, it indicates that it is inherited or that it belongs to the owner of the object. It cannot be changed.

    • "Group/User" column: If a right applies to a user or user group, their names are displayed here. The user "<everybody>" indicates all users in FACTON. It can be used to set the basic rights to this object for all users.
    • "Rights" column: Displays the right of a user or user group to the relevant system function.
    • "Valid for" column (only folder rights): Shows the validities of areas that are set for the user or user group.
  • "Rights" combobox:

    Select the access rights for the selected user or user group highlighted in the table.

  • "Valid for" combobox (only folder rights):

    Select the validities for the selected user or user group highlighted in the table.

  • "Owner (with full rights)" entry field:

    Shows the user who created the object.


This user always has full control. This right cannot be restricted.

  • "Reset rights of all subobjects" checkbox:

    This checkbox becomes available if the object is a group or a folder with subobjects. When the checkbox is activated, clicking the OK button will remove all rights of the subobjects. The rights are then inherited.