Keyboard shortcuts

This appendix contains a brief overview of the standard keyboard shortcuts in FACTON. The synoptic tables are structured by topic for easier handling.

Log off user Alt + F10
Exit FACTON Alt + F4
Save Ctrl + S
Save All Ctrl + Shift ⇧ + S
Save as F12        
Close Ctrl + W
Version History Ctrl + G
Help F1
Undo Ctrl + Z
Redo Ctrl + Y
Search Ctrl + F
Copy Ctrl + C
Paste Ctrl + V
Create a new folder Ctrl + O
Delete Del
Delete sub-elements Ctrl + Del
Workspace Explorer F4
Refresh F5
Data Administration F6
Attribute window F7
Image Preview F9
Cost information window F11
Information window F8
Expand tree Ctrl + Shift ⇧ + E
Expand complete tree Ctrl + E
Collapse tree Ctrl + Shift ⇧ + Q
Collapse complete tree Ctrl + Q
Assembly Ctrl + B
Manufacturing part Ctrl + T
Purchased/standard part Ctrl + K
Project Ctrl + R
Process Ctrl + P
Cost center Ctrl + O
Machine Ctrl + M
Employee Ctrl + J
Resources Ctrl + U
Work step Ctrl + I
Production Planning Ctrl + Shift ⇧ + P
Calculation Modes
Standard Shift ⇧ + F1
Estimation Shift ⇧ + F2
Forecast Shift ⇧ + F3
Scaling Shift ⇧ + F4
Basic Shift ⇧ + F5
Technology Shift ⇧ + F6
Cost Center Shift ⇧ + F7
Advanced Shift ⇧ + F8
Special Shift ⇧ + F9
Offer Shift ⇧ + F10