
Shortcut Description
CTRL + TAB ⭾ Switch between individual tabs
CTRL + W or
Close current tab
CTRL + SHIFT ⇧ + O Selected calculation element opens in a new tab
CTRL + 1 Show and hide Key Figures view
CTRL + 2 Show and hide Details view
CTRL + 3 Show and hide Structure view
CTRL + 4 Show and hide Explorer
CTRL + 5 Show and hide Used Objects view
CTRL + 6 Show and hide Work History view
CTRL + 7 Show and hide Consistency Rule Violations view
Double-click on the splitter for Key Figures / Details / Used Objects view Show and hide Key Figures / Details / Used Objects view
CTRL + C Copy
CTRL + V Paste
CTRL + X Cut
DEL Delete selected structure element
CTRL + E Expand structure element
CTRL + SHIFT ⇧ + E Expand entire structure
CTRL + Q Collapse structure element
CTRL + SHIFT ⇧ + Q Collapse entire structure
ALT + SHIFT ⇧ + Move structure element up
ALT + SHIFT ⇧ + Move structure element down
CTRL + M + R Synchronize master data
CTRL + M + G Update all global properties
F12 Toggle override for a value
CTRL + F12 Clear the overridden values of the selected element
CTRL + SHIFT ⇧ + F12 Clear the overridden values of the selected element and its sub-elements
CTRL + SHIFT ⇧ + V Insert structure element as copy
CTRL + ALT + V Insert structure element as link
ALT + SHIFT ⇧ + Move in structure element in the Master Data Workspace
ALT + SHIFT ⇧ + Move out structure element in Master Data Workspace
CTRL + ALT + Jump to first structure element
CTRL + ALT + Jump to last structure element
CTRL + O Level navigation - The selected calculation element becomes the top element in the structure view
CTRL + U Level navigation - The next-higher-level element of the selected calculation element becomes the top-level element in the Structure view
CTRL + S or
Save all
CTRL + Z or
Undo change
CTRL + Y Restore undone changes
CTRL + Mouse Wheel Zoom in and out
CTRL + 0 (null) Zoom to 100%
Middle mouse button to splitter for Details view Align Details view horizontally or vertically
SHIFT ⇧ + Double-click on the splitter for Key Figures / Details / Used Objects view Switch between full and partial view in the for Key Figures / Details / Used Objects view
CTRL + ALT + O Open in Master Data workspace
CTRL + SHIFT ⇧ + R Expand current structure element and collapse all others
CTRL + F Open search in FQL mode
CTRL + N Create new value rule
CTRL + T Select the current date in the calendar
CTRL + Move up a date level in the calendar
CTRL + Move down a date level in the calendar
ESC Cancel editing
CTRL + D Duplicate
ALT + ENTER ↵ Insert line break in multiline text fields
CTRL + I Fix Value
CTRL + SHIFT ⇧ + I Unpin fixed value
CTRL + ALT + I Unpin all fixed values
F2 Edit cell content
F4 + or
Edit cell content with drop-down menu
F5 Run queries
CTRL + Unit combobox Input mode is used in the unit combobox (toggle units without conversion)