Extended labor cost calculation
The extended labor cost calculation increases the simulation capability of manufacturing processes. You can calculate the hourly rate for employees based on location, qualification level and shift model and perform a cost development simulation by changing these parameters.
The hourly labor rate for an employee is derived from a fixed parameter, the basic hourly rate, which the calculation builds on and up to five additional configurable system parameters (labor cost surcharges) that are added to the basic hourly rate. The basic hourly rate (basic wage) depends on the employee qualification level and the location. Labor costs may vary throughout the duration of the project depending on the calculation year, location and shift model.
The definable parameters are what are known as the calculation parameters, such as the activity surcharge and shift bonus. Calculation parameters describe employee, location and shift model-dependent properties that are used to calculate the hourly labor rate. These cost parameters can be multiplicatively (percentage parameters) or additively (absolute parameters) linked to the basic hourly rate; i.e. hourly labor rate = basic hourly rate +(basic hourly rate * activity surcharge) + absolute shift bonus.
You can manage the hourly wage rates for employees in Data Administration on the one hand or on a project-by-project basis, on the other.