The Shift models category lets you edit the shift models in the project retroactively or add new shift models to the project.
Figure: Shift Models Category
"Assigned Shift models" group: All shift models from Data Administration are listed here. When you select a shift model from the list, its data are displayed in the "Calculation Parameter" group. The parameter data may differ depending on the location.
Add button:
The selected shift model is allocated to the project.
Remove button:
The shift model is removed from the project. The button is active when a shift model has been selected in the "Assigned Shift models" group.
"Assigned Shift models" group: All the shift models that have already been assigned to the project are displayed here including their master data. The master data can be edited in the table. If you select a shift model in the table, the corresponding data is displayed in the "Calculation Parameter" group.
Calculation Parameter Tab All of the project-specific calculation parameters for the investment and machine calculation of the selected shift model are displayed in this tab. You can edit the individual parameters here. You can edit the values based on their validities – if this is set up in the configuration.
"Name" column: It displays the calculation parameters for the investment and machine calculation.
"Value" column: Shows the value of the calculation parameters.
"Use validities" column: This column allows you to enter the values based on validities when you activate the checkbox.
"Unit" column: It shows the unit of the value.
"Year" column: Shows the production planning years. You can enter validity-based values here.
Locations Tab The Locations tab displays all project and location-specific calculation parameters for the shift models. Here you can edit the values for the selected shift model based on the location. You can edit the values based on their validities – if this is set up in the configuration. The table is identical to the table in the "Calculation Parameter" tab.