Additional Cost
![Additional Cost Interface](../../../Images/figure/ui_settings_zusatzkosten.png)
Figure: Additional Cost Interface
"Collection" group:
By default, the additional costs can be collected at the top-level assembly. More options for the collection of additional costs can also be set in this group.
"At part" checkbox:
When this checkbox is activated, additional costs can be collected at all assemblies, manufacturing parts, purchased and standard parts.
"At manufacturing process" checkbox:
When this checkbox is activated, additional costs can be collected at all manufacturing parts in the project.
"Interest" group:
"None" option:
When selected, no interest calculation takes place.
"Normal" option:
When selected, interest is calculated using linear interest calculation (simple interest).
"With imputed interests" option:
When selected, interest is calculated using linear interest calculation (simple interest) of one half of the additional processes.
"With compound interests" option:
When selected, interest is calculated using compound interest calculation (exponential interest).
"With calculatory compound interests" option:
When selected, interest is calculated using compound interest calculation (exponential interest) of one half of the additional costs.
"Interest allocation according to interest flow" checkbox:
When this checkbox is activated, interest is allocated as it incurs. It is allocated to the interest calculation period (default). When the checkbox is deactivated, interest is calculated for the interest period and allocated to the interest calculation period.
"Defaults in Project" group:
"Default from data administration" option:
When selected, FACTON uses the default - cost allocation for additional costs - from Data Administration when inserting additional costs into the project.
"No allocation" option:
When activated, additional costs are not allocated.
"Total quantity" option:
When activated, the additional costs are allocated to the total quantity.