Data Administration
Define system-wide settings for data administration properties in this interface.
- Machine hour rate calculation
- Define rights for calculation objects
- Saving pictures
- Behavior in case of inconsistencies
Figure: Data Administration Interface
"Variable Percentage of Resource Costs" group:
You can set the calculation parameters for the machine hour rate calculation in this group, i.e. how high the variable portion of resource costs should be.
Application example
When the value is set to 100%, the resource costs are only distributed across the variable costs.
When the value is 50%, half of the resource costs is distributed across the variable costs and the other half is distributed across the fixed costs.
Costs of auxiliary means entry field:
Enter the default value for the variable costs of auxiliary means of resources as a percentage.
Repair costs entry field:
Enter the default value for the variable repair costs of resources as a percentage.
Footprint cost entry field:
Enter the default value for the variable footprint costs of resources as a percentage.
Energy costs entry field:
Enter the default value for the variable energy costs of resources as a percentage.
Calc. interest entry field:
Enter the default value for the variable imputed interest on resources as a percentage.
"Behavior in Case of Inconsistencies" group:
This group allows you to specify whether duplicate data records should be prevented or saved.
"Saving allowed and inform about inconsistencies" option:
Duplicate data records are saved. You will be notified prior to saving.
"Saving forbidden" option:
Duplicate data records are not saved. You get an error message that saving is not possible.
"System Performance" group:
You can improve the performance of your system in this group. You specify whether it should be possible to attach images and assign rights to individual calculation elements in Data Administration.
Saving pictures:
In the system settings, you can specify whether or not pictures can be saved for this calculation element type for each category. In Data Administration, the "Image" column in the table display of each category is hidden or shown and the image preview is (de-)activated.
This setting is activated for all categories by default.
Rights to Data Administration elements:
A new system setting regulates the rights assignment in Data Administration. You can choose between:
Define rights for each element (previously the default setting)
Define rights to the folder level only.
In this case, rights to individual elements cannot be activated.
This option can be specified for all or for individual Data Administration categories. If the setting for a category is switched to the folder level from the element level, all rights defined for the element in this category are reset!